Networking | MCQ Networking | Set 05

Q.1. Which server computer that is configured to serve file transfer and storage, data migration, file updates synchronization?
a. FTP Server.
b. Database Server
c. File Server
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.2. . Which of the following is responsible for approving standards and allocating resources in the Internet?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: a

Q.3. . Which body in Internet provides the registration services to Internet community?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.4. Which of the following is considered a broad band communication channel?
a. coaxial cable
b. fiber optics cable
c. microwave circuits
d. all of above
Answer: d

Q.5. Which of the following is not email service?
a. Hotmail
b. Gmail
c. Yahoo
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.6. Which of the following application is required to read your email in Hotmail?
a. A computer with browser and internet connection
b. Outlook Express or Microsoft Outlook
c. Eudora Pro
d. All of above
Answer: a

Q.7. Tim Berners Lee is credited for the creation of
a. Web email system
b. world wide web
c. File Transfer Protocol
d. All of above
Answer: b

Q.8. Which of the following is not a transmission medium?
a. Telephone lines
b. Coaxial cables
c. Modem
d. Microwave systems
Answer: c

Q.9. A network computer that utilizes the resources of other network computers is known as a
a. Server
b. Host computer
c. Client
d. Media
Answer: d

Q.10. A group of computers connected together to communicate and share resources is known as
a. A computer network
b. A server
c. A client
d. Authentication
Answer: a

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