Networking | MCQ Networking | Set 03

Q.1. A group of computers connected together to communicate and share resources is known as
a. A computer network
b. A server
c. A client
d. Authentication

Q.2. A high speed, high capacity transmission medium that can carry signals from multiple independent network carrier is
a. Narrowband channel
b. Voice band channel
c. Broadband channel
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.3. A channel handle moderate data volumes in transmission rate between 110 to 9600 bps is
a. Narrowband channel
b. Voice band channel
c. Broadband channel
d. None of above
Answer: b

Q.4. A form of wireless transmission in which signals are sent via pulses of infrared light
a. radio networking
b. infrared transmission
c. microwave transmission
d. none of above
Answer: b

Q.5.The interactive transmission of data within a time sharing system may be best suited to
a. simplex lines
b. half-duplex lines
c. full duplex lines
d. biflex-lines
Answer: c

Q.6. Who owns and governs the Internet?
a. IAB
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: d

Q.7. Who is responsible for discussing and investigating the operational and technical problems of Internet?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: b

Q.8. Website is a collection of
a.HTML documents
b.  Graphics file
c. audio and video files
d. All of above
Answer: d

Q.9. A network computer that shares resources with and responds to requests from other computer is known as
a. client
b. server
c. terminal
d. key
Answer: b

Q.10. ____ protocol is built into most popular e-mail products such as Eudora and Outlook Express:
b. POP
d. FTP
Answer: b

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