Networking | MCQ Networking | Set 04

Q.1. What is the powerful, centralized computer system that performs data storage and processing tasks on behalf of clients and other network devices ?
a. Client.
b.Host computer
Answer: b

Q.2. A self-sufficient computer that acts as both a server and a client is known as
a. Host
b. Client
c. Server
d. Peer
Answer: d

Q.3. . A server computer that is configured to serve file transfer and storage, data migration, file updates synchronization is
a. FTP Server
b. Database Server
c. File Server
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.4. Which of the following is responsible for approving standards and allocating resources in the Internet?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: a

Q.5. Which body in Internet provides the registration services to Internet community?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.6.Who is responsible for discussing and investigating the operational and technical problems of Internet?
a. Internet Architecture Board (IAB)
b. Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
c. InterNIC
d. None of above
Answer: b

Q.7. Which is the channel handle moderate data volumes in transmission rate between 110 to 9600 bps?
a. Narrowband channel
b. Voice band channel
c. Broadband channel
d. None of abover
Answer: b

Q.8. A high speed, high capacity transmission medium that can carry signals from multiple independent network carrier is?
a. Narrowband channel
b. Voice band channel
c. Broadband channel
d. None of above
Answer: c

Q.9. The internet was developed by US
a. Department of Defense
b. Department of Electronics
c. Department of Commerce
d. None of above
Answer: a

Q.10. A user can get files from another computer by using
a. File Transfer Protocol
c. Internet Protocol
d. None of above
Answer: a

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