Asp .Net Interview Question and Answer | Web Application | Session 15

141. What is the Difference between Compiler and Translator?
Ans: Compiler converet the program one computer language to another computer other word high level language to low level language.
         Traslator traslate one language to many other language like english to hindi,french etc.

142. What is the Difference Between Compiler and Debugger ?
Ans:  Compiler is a software or set of soetware that translate one computer Language to another computer.Most cases High level Programming Language to low level Programming Language.
          Most of the time Program analyzed and examined error then Debugger used.Debugger is another program that is used for testing and debugging purpose of other programs.  It will be able to tell where exactly in your application error occurred,and tell the where error occured.

143. Types of Debbuger ?
Ans: Debugger is another program that is used for testing and debugging purpose of other programs. Most of the time it is using to analyze and examine error conditions in application. It will be able to tell where exactly in your application error occurred,
Two Types of Debbuger:
         1. CorDBG – command-line debugger.  To use CorDbg, you must compile the original C# file using the /debug switch.
         2. DbgCLR – graphic debugger.  Visual Studio .NET uses the DbgCLR.

144. Difference between Cookies and Session in Asp.Net ?
Ans: 1. The main difference between cookies and sessions is that cookies are stored in the user's browser, and sessions are not. This difference determines what each is best used for.
          2. A cookie can keep information in the user's browser until deleted. If a person has a login and password, this can be set as a cookie in their browser so they do not have to re-login to your website every time they visit. You can store almost anything in a browser cookie
          3. Sessions are not reliant on the user allowing a cookie. They work instead like a token allowing access and passing information while the user has their browser open. The problem with sessions is that when you close your browser you also lose the session. So, if you had a site requiring a login, this couldn't be saved as a session like it could as a cookie, and the user would be forced to re-login every time they visit.

145. What is the structure of ASP.Net Pages ?

Ans: 1. Directives:A directive controls how an ASP.NET page is compiled. The beginning of a directive is marked with the characters <%@ and the end of a directive is marked with the characters %>. A directive can appear anywhere within a page.A directive typically appears at the top of an ASP.NET page.
         2. Code declaration block:A code declaration block contains all the application logic for your ASP.NET page and all the global variable declarations, subroutines, and functions. It must appear within a <Script Runat="Server"> tag.
          3. ASP.Net Controls:ASP.NET controls can be freely interspersed with the text and HTML content of a page. The only requirement is that the controls should appear within a <form Runat= "Server"> tag. And, for certain tags such as <span Runat="Server"> and <ASP:Label Runat="Server"/>, this requirement can be ignored without any dire consequences.
         4. Code Render Blocks:If you need to execute code within the HTML or text content of your ASP.NET page, you can do so within code render blocks. The two types of code render blocks are inline code and inline expressions. Inline code executes a statement or series of statements. This type of code begins with the characters <% and ends with the characters %>.
         5. Server side comments:You can add comments to your ASP.NET pages by using server-side comment blocks. The beginning of a server-side comment is marked with the characters <%-- and the end of the comment is marked with the characters --%>.
         6. Server side include Directives:You can include a file in an ASP.NET page by using one of the two forms of the server-side include directive. If you want to include a file that is located in the same directory or in a subdirectory of the page including the file, you would use the following directive:<!-- #INCLUDE file="includefile.aspx" -->
        7. Literal text and html Tags:The final type of element that you can include in an ASP.NET page is HTML content. The static portion of your page is built with plain old HTML tags and text.

146. Define File Name Extensions In Asp .net ?

Ans: Applications written in Asp .net have different files with different extension. native files generally have .aspx or .ascx extension  . Web services have .asmx extension.
File name containing the business logic depend on the language that you are using. For Example a c# file have extension aspx.cs.

147. What is ? 
Ans: ASP .NET built on .net framework. Asp .net is a web development tool. Asp .net is offered by Microsoft. We can built dynamic websites by using asp .net. Asp .net was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .net framework. It is the successor of Microsoft's ASP.  .NET Framework consists of many class libraries, support multiple languages  and a common execution platform. Asp .net is a program run in IIS server. Asp .net is also called Asp+. Every element in Asp .net is treated as object and run on server. Asp .net is a event driven programming language. Most html tags are used by Asp .net. Asp .net allows the developer to build applications faster. Asp .net is a server side scripting.

148. Versions ? 
        ASP .NET version 1.0 was first released in January 2002
        ASP .NET version 1.1 released in April 2003 (ASP .NET 2003)
        ASP .NET version 2.0 released in November 2005 (ASP .NET 2005)
        ASP .NET version  3.5 released in November 2007 (ASP .NET 2008)

149. Difference bt ASP and 
Ans: 1.Asp .net is compiled while asp is interpreted.
          2.ASP is mostly written using VB Script and HTML. while asp .net can be written in C#, J# and VB etc.
          3.Asp .net have 4 built in classes session , application , request response, while asp .net have more than 2000 built in classes.
          4.ASP does not have any server side components whereas Asp .net have server side components such as Button , Text Box etc.
          5.Asp does not have page level transaction while Asp .net have page level transaction.
ASP .NET pages only support one language on a single page, while Asp support multiple language on a single page.
          6.Page functions must be declared as <script runat=server> in ASP. net . While in Asp page function is declared as <% %>.

150. What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?
Ans: DLL:Its a Dynamic Link Library .There are many entry points. The system loads a DLL into the context of an existing thread. Dll cannot Run on its own
EXE:Exe Can Run On its own.exe is a executable file.When a system launches new exe, a new process is created.The entry thread is called in context of main thread of that process.

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