SBI PO English Exam Paper 2010 | Bank Examination| Bank PO Exam Paper| Competitive Examination

Direction: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words/ phrases have been printec in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions.

Governments  have traditionally equated economic progress with steel mills and cement factories. While urban centers thrive and city dwellers get rich, hundreds of millions of farmers remain mired in  poverty. However, fear s of food sh ortages,  a rethinking of antipoverty priorities and the crushing recession in 2008 are causing a dramatic shift in world economic policy in favour of greater support for agriculture.
The last time when the world’s farmers felt such love was in the 1970s. At that time, as food prices spiked, there was real concern that the world was facing a crisis in which the planet was simply unable to produce enough grain and meat for an expanding population. Governments across the developing world and international aid organisations plowed investment into agriculture in the early 1970s, while technological breakthroughs, like high-yield strains of important food crops, boosted production. The result was the
Green Revolution and food production exploded.
But the Green Revolution became a victim of its own success. Food prices plunged by some 60% by the late 1980s from their peak in the mid- 1970s. Policymakers and aid workers turned their attention to the poor ’s other pressing needs, such as health care and education. Farming got starved of resources and investment. By 2004, aid directed at agriculture sank to 3.5% and “Agriculture lost its glitter.” Also, as consumers in high-growth giants such as China and India became wealthier, they began eating more meat, so grain once used for  human consumption got diverted to beef up livestock. By early 2008, panicked buying by importing countries and restrictions slapped on grain exports by some big producers helped drive prices upto heights not seen for three decades. Making matters worse, land and resources got reallocated to produce cash crops such as biofuels and the result was that voluminous reserves of grain evaporated. Protests broke out across the emerging world and fierce food riots toppled governments.
This spurred global leaders into action. This made them aware that food security is one of the fundamental issues in the world that has to be dealt with in order to maintain administrative and political stability. This also spurred the U.S. which traditionally provisioned food aid from American grain surpluses to help needy nations, to move towards investing in farm sectors around the globe to boost productivity. This move helped countries become more productive for themselves and be in a better position to feed their own people.
Africa, which missed out on the first Green Revolution due to poor policy and limited resources, also witnessed a ‘change’. Swayed by the success of East Asia, the primary poverty-fighting method favoured by many policymakers in Africa was to get farmers off their farms and into modern jobs in factories and urban centers. But that strategy proved to be high ly insufficien t. In come levels in  the countryside badly trailed those in cities while the FAO estimated that the number of poor going hungry in 2009 reached an all time high at more than one billion.

In India on the other hand, with only 40% of its farmland irrigated, entire economic boom currently un derway is h eld hostage by th e unpredictable mon soon . With  much of In dia’s far min g ar eas suffering from drought this year, the government will have a tough time meeting its economic growth targets. In a report, Goldman Sachs predicted that if this year too receives weak rains, it could cause agriculture to contract by 2% this fiscal year, making the government’s 7% GDP-growth target look “a bit rich”. Another green revolution is the need of the hour and to make it a reality, the global community still has much backbreaking farm work to do.

151. What is the author ’s main objective in writing the passage
(1) Cr iticising developed coun tr ies for  n ot bolstering economic growth in poor nations
(2) Analysing the disadvantages of the Green Revolution
(3) Persuading experts that a strong economy depend s on  i nd us tr ia li za ti on  a nd  n ot agriculture
(4) Making a case for the international society to engineer a second Green Revolution
(5) Rationalising the faulty agriculture policies of emerging countries

152.Which of the following is an adverse impact of the Green Revolution ?
(1) Unchecked crop yields resulted in large tracts of land becoming barren
(2) Withdrawal of fiscal impetus from agriculture to other sectors
(3) Fa r mer s  beg an  soli cit ing  gover n ment subsidies for their produce
(4) Farmers rioted as food prices fell so low that they could not make ends meet
(5) None of these

153.What is the author trying to convey through the phrase “making the government’s 7% GDP growth target look “a bit rich” ?
(1) India is unlikely to achieve the targeted growth rate
(2) Allocation of funds to agriculture has raised India’s chances of having a high GDP
(3) Agricultural growth has artificially inflated India’s GDP and such growth is not real
(4) India is likely to rave one of the highest GDP growth rates
(5) A large portion of India’s GDP is contributed by agriculture

154.Wh ich  of th e followin g factor s was /were responsible for the neglect of the farming sector after the green revolution ?
(A) Steel and cement sectors generated more revenue for the government as compared to agriculture.
(B) Large scale pr otests against  favouring agriculture at the cost of other important sectors such as education and healthcare.
(C) A t ten t ion  of  p oli cy  ma ker s  a n d  aid organizations was diverted from agriculture to other sectors.
(1) None                      

(2) Only (C)
(3) Only (B) & (C)      

(4) Only (A) 8s (B) 
(5) All (A), (B) & (C)

155.What prompted leaders throughout the world to take action to boost the agriculture sector in 2008?
(1) Coercive tactics by the U.S. which restricted food aid to poor nations
(2) The realization of the link between food security and political stability
(3) Awareness that performance in agriculture is necessary in order to achieve the targeted GDP
(4) Reports that high-growth countries like China and India were boosting their agriculture sectors to capture the international markets
(5) Their desire to influence developing nations to slow down their industrial development.

156.What motivated the U.S. to focus on investing in agriculture across the globe ?
(1) To make developing countries become more reliant on U.S. aid
(2) To ensure grain surpluses so that the U.S. had no need to import food
(3) To make those countries more self sufficient to whom it previously provided food
(4) To establish itself in the market before the high-growth giants such as India and China could establish themselves
(5) None of these

157. What impact did the economic recession of 2008 have on agriculture ?
(1) Governments equated economic stability with industrial development and shifted away from agriculture
(2) Lack of implementation of several innovative agriculture programmes owing to shortage of funds
(3) It prompted increased investment and interest in agriculture
(4) The GDP as targeted by India was never achieved because of losses in agriculture
(5) None of these

158. What encouraged African policymakers to focus on urban jobs ?
(1) Misapprehension that it would alleviate poverty as it did in other countries
(2) Rur a l  d evelopmen t  ou tst r i pped  ur ban development in many parts of Africa
(3) Breaking out of protests in the country and the fear that the government would topple
(4) Bl in d  imit ation  of  wes ter n  mod els  of development
(5) None of these

159.Which of the followin g had contributed to exorbitant food prices in 2008 ?
(A) Hoarding of food stocks by local wholesalers which inadvertently created a food shortage.
(B) Export of foodgrains was reduced by large producers.
(C) Diverting r esources from cultivation  of foodgrains to that of more profitable crops.
(1) None                      

(2) Only (C)
(3) Only (B)                 

(4) All (A), (B) & (C) 
(5) Only (B) & (C)

160.Which of the following is true about the state of agriculture in India at present ?
(A) Of all the sectors, agriculture needs the highest allocation of funds.
(B) Contribution of agriculture to India’s GDP this year would depend greatly upon the monsoon rains.
(C) As India is one of the high-growth countries, it has s jrplus food reserves to export to other nations.
(1) Only (A) and (C) 
 (2) Only (C)
(3) Only (B)               
 (4) Only (B) and (C)
(5) None of these

Direction: Choose the word/group of words which is most similar it meaning to the word printed in  bold as used in the passage.
(1) Deprived            

(2) Disadvantaged
(3) Hungry                   

(4) Fasting
(5) Emaciated

(1) Beaten                   
(2) Imposed
(3) Withdrawn            
(4) Avoided
(5) Persuaded

(1) Cultivated            
 (2) Bulldozed
(3) Recovered             
(4) Instilled
(5) Withdrew

Direction: Choose the word/phrase which is most opposite in meaning to the word printed in bold as  used in the passage
(1) Unpopular             
(2) Undemanding
(3) Unobtrusive          
(4) Unsuitable
(5) Unimportant

(1) Absorbed              
(2) Accelerated
(3) Grew                    
 (4) Plunged
(5) Mismanaged

Direction: Which of the phrases (1), (2),(3) and (4) given below each statement should be placed in the blank space provided so as to make a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence ? If none of the sentences is appropriate, mark (5) i.e. ‘None of  these’ as the answer.

166.Refuting the rationale behind frequent agitations for formation of separate States, a recent report
(1) proved that such agitations result in loss of governmental property
(2) indicated that the formation of small states does not necessarily improve the economy
(3) suggested that only large scale agitations have been effective in bringing out desired change in the past
(4) recommended dividing large States into smaller ones to improve governance
(5) None of these

167. Over look in g  th e fa ct  t h a t  wa ter  scar ci ty intensifies during summer,
(1) the government issued guidelines to all builder s to limit  th eir con sumption  to acceptable limits
(2) provision for rainwater harvesting has been
made to aid irrigation in drought prone areas (3) the water table did not improve even after receiving normal monsoon in the current year
(4) man y residen tial areas continue to use swimming pools, wasting large quantities of water
(5) None of these

168.He has lost most of his life’s earning in the stock market but
(1) He  s t ill  s eems  t o be  l ead i ng  h is  l ife luxuriously and extravagantly
(2) he could n ot save enough  to r epay h is enormous debts
(3) stock market is not a safe option to invest money unless done with caution
(4) experts  have been  suggestin g to avoid investments in stock market because of its unpredictable nature
(5) None of these

169.Achieving equality for women is not only a laudable goal,
(1) p olit ical  r efor m s  a r e  al s o  n egl ected preventing women from entering legislatures and positions of power
(2) the problem is also deep rooted in the society and supported by it
(3) their empowerment is purposefully hampered by people with vested interests in all sections of the society
(4) it is also equally difficult to achieve and maintain for a long term
(5) None of these

170. ______or else they would not keep electing him year after year.
(1) The party leader gave a strong message to the mayor for improving his political style
(2) Owing to numerous scandals against the mayor, he was told to resign from the post immed iately
(3) The mayor threatened the residents against filing a complaint against him
(4) The residents must really be impressed with the political style of their mayor
(5) None of these

Direction: Each question below has two blanks, each blank indicating that something has been omitted. Choose the set of words for each blank that  best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

171. Drawing attention to the pitfalls of _____ solely on Uranium as a fuel for nuclear reactors, Indian scientists warned that Uranium will not last for long and thus research on Thorium as its_____ must be revived.
(1) using,                            substitute
(2) believing,                      replacement
(3) depending,                    reserve
(4) reckoning,                     option
(5) relying,                         alternative

172. In  an effor t to pr ovide ______ for  higher education to all, most of the universities have been providing education without adequate in fr astr uctur e, th us  ch urn in g out  __ ____ graduates every year.
(1) chances,                        fresh
(2) platform,                       capable
(3) opportunities,               unemployable
(4) prospects,                     eligible
(5) policy,                           incompetent

173.The move to allow dumping of mercury _______ an outcry from residents of the area who _____ that high levels of mercury will affect their health and destroy ecologically sensitive forest area
(1) resulted,                        insist
(2) provoked,                     fear
(3) incited,                          determined
(4) activated,                      accept
(5) angered,                        believe

174.  ______has been taken against some wholesale drug dealers for dealing in surgical items without a valid license and maintaining a stock of _____drugs.
(1) Note,                             overwhelming
(2) Step,                             impressive
(3) Execution,                    outdated
(4) Action,                          expired
(5) Lawsuit,                        invalid

175. Even as the_____ else where in the world are struggling to come out of recession, Indian consumers are splurging on consumer goods and to --------this growth, companies are investing heavily in various sectors.
(1) economies,                   meet
(2)  countries,                      inhibit
(3)  governments,                measure
(4)  nations,                         inflict
(5)  companies,                   counter

Direction:Rearrange the following sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) to make a meaningful paragraph and then answer the questions which  follow 

(A) While these disadvantages of bio fuels are serious, they are the only alternate energy source of the future and the sooner we find solutions to these problems the faster we will be able to solve the problems wo are now facing with gasoline.

(B) This fuel can also help to stimulate jobs locally since they are also much safer to handle thaw” gasoline and can thus have the potential to turnaround a global economy.

(C) These include dependence on fossil fuels for the machinery required to produce biofuel which ends up polluting as much as the burning of fossil fuels on roads and exorbitant cost of biofuels which makes it very difficult for the common man to switch to this option.

(D) This turnaround can potentially help to bring world peace and end the need to depend on foreign countries for energy requirements.

(E) Biofuels are made from plant sources and since these sources are available in abundance and can be reproduced on a massive scale they form an energy source that is potentially unlimited.

(F) However everything is not as green with the biofuels as it seems as there are numerous d i s a d va n ta g es  i n vol ved  wh i ch  at  tim es overshadow their positive impact.

176. Which of the following sentence should be the FIFTH after rearrangement ?
(1) A             

(2) B                 
(3) C  
(4) E              
(5) F 
177. Which of the following sentence should be the THIRD after rearrangement ?
(1) A             

(2) B                 
(3) C  
(4) D              
(5) E  

178. Which of the following sentence should be the FIRST after rearrangement ?
(1) A 

(2) B 
(3) C
(4) D 

(5) E

179. Which of the following sentence should be the SIXTH (LAST) after rearrangement ?
(1) A 

(2) C 
(3) D
(4) E 

(5) F

180. Which of the following sentence should be the SECOND after rearrangement ?
(1) A     

 (2) B      
(3) D 
(4) E      

(5) F     

Direction: Which of the phrases (1), (2), (3) and (4) given below each statement should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and ‘No correction is required’, mark
 (5) as the answer.

181. Soon after the Tsunami had killed thousands of people alon g the coasts of southern  In dia, parliament psssas a bill that proposed to set up an institutional mechanism to respond promptly to natural disasters

(1) passed a bill that proposed 

(2) passes a bill with purpose 
(3) pass a bill proposing
(4) passed a bill which propose
(5) No correction required

182. Denial of wages forced scientists and teachers at the agriculture universities throughout the coun tr y to go on strike,  crippling  cr ucial research that could help the state of agriculture in the country.
(1) from going on strike         

(2) which went on strike 
(3) on going for a strike 
(4) for going to strike
(5) No correction required

183. In an attempt to boost their profits many edible oil producing companies have been engaging themselves in propaganda against commonly used oils and. promoting exotic and expensive varieties of oils as more healthier options.
(1) as most healthiest options
(2) as less healthy option
(3) as a healthier option
(4) as much healthiest option
(5) No correction required

184. Thanks to numerous government initiatives, rural masses which was earlier unaware of the luxur ies  of ur ban  ways of livin g ar e n ow connected to the same lifestyle.
(1) who was earlier unaware
(2) which were earlier aware
(3) who were earlier conversant 

(4) who were earlier unaware (5) No correction required

185. Over the last few months, while most industries are busy in restructuring operations, cutting costs an d firing, the Indian pharmaceutical  and healthcare industry was adding manpower and giving salary hikes.
(1) as many industries are
(2) while most industries were
(3) while many industries is
(4) where many industries were
(5) No correction required

Direction: In the following passage there are blanks, each of which ]’as been numbered. These numbers are printed below the passage and against each, five words/phrases are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word/ phrase in each case

There is a considerable amount of research about the factors that make a company innovate. So is it p oss i bl e  to  cr ea te  a n  en vi r on m en t  ( 186  )  to innovation? This is a particularly pertinent (187) for India today. Massive problems in health, education etc. (188) be solved using a conventional approach but (189) creative and innovative solutions that can ensure radical change and (190). There are several factors in India’s (191). Few countries have the rich diversity that India or its large, young population ( 192) .  Wh il e  t h ese  ( 193 )  i n n ovat ion  p oli cy interventions certain additional steps are also required. These include (194) investment in research and development by (195) the government and the private sector, easy transfer of technology from the academic world etc. To fulfill its promise of beng prosperous and to be at the forefron India must be innovative.

186. 1.stimuli

187. (1)    objective   
(2)    controversy
(3)    doubt   
(4)    question
(5)    inference

188. (1) cannot                  
 (2) possibly
(3) should                   
(4) never
(5) must

189. (1) necessary             
(2) apply
(3) need                      
(4) consider
(5) requires

190. (1) quantity                 
(2) advantages
(3) increase                 
(4) chaos
(5) growth

191. (1) challenges            
 (2) praises
(3) favour                    
(4) leverage
(5) esteem

192. (1) blessed                  
(2) enjoys
(3) endows                  
(4) prevails
(5) occurs

193. (1) aid .                       
(2) jeopardise
(3) promotes               
(4) endure
(5) cater

194. (1) acute                   
  (2) utilising
(3) restricting              
(4) inspiring
(5) increased

195. (1) both                       
(2) besides
(3) combining           
 (4) participating
 (5)  a ;o

Direction: In each of the following questions four words are given of which two words are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning. Find the two words which are most nearly the same or opposite in meaning and indicate the number of the correct letter combination, by darkening the appropriate oval in your answer sheet.

196.(A) consent   
(B)    nascent
(C) emerging   
(D)    insecure

(1) A–C   
(3) B–C   
(5) A–B       

197.(A) elated   
(C) explicit

(1) A–B   
(3) A–C   
(5) D–C   

199.(A) purposefully       
(B) inaccurately
(C) inadvertently     
 (D) unchangeably

(1) A–C                      
(2) A–B
(3) B–C                      
(4) B–D
(5) A–D

200.(A) germane              
(B) generate
(C) reliable               
 (D) irrelevant

(1) B–D                      
(2) B–C
(3) A–B                    
(4) C–D
(5) A–D

151. (4)    152. (4)    153. (1)    154. (2)    155. (2)    156. (3)    157. (3)    158. (1)    159. (5)    160. (3)
161. (1)    162. (2)    163. (2)    164. (2)    165. (3)    166. (2)    167. (4)    168. (5)    169. (4)    170. (4)
171. (5)    172. (2)    173. (2)    174. (4)    175. (1)    176. (3)    177. (4)    178. (5)    179. (1)    180. (2)
181. (1)    182. (5)    183. (5)    184. (2)    185. (2)    186. (2)    187. (4)    188. (1)    189. (5)    190. (5)
191. (3)    192. (3)    193. (3)    194. (5)    195. (1)    196. (3)    197. (2)    198. (5)    199.(1)      200.(5)                      

                                :: Click the links below for similar type Questions and answers ::

SBI PO Data Analysis and Iterpretation Exam Paper 2010 | Bank Po Exam Paper

                                                    DATA ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION

Direction: Study the following table carefully to answer the questions that follow

Number (n) of candidates (in lakhs) appearing for an entrance examination From six different states and the percentage (p) of candidates clearing the same over the years

51.What is the respective ratio of total number of candidates clearing the entrance exam from State B in the year 2004 to those clearing the entrance exam from State C in the same year
(1) 221: 148 

(2) 218: 143
(3) 148: 221 (4) 143: 218
(5) None of these

52. In which year did the highest number of candidates clear the entrance exam from State D ?
(1) 2008 

(2) 2006
(3) 2009 

(4) 2007
(5) None of these

53.What is the number of candidates not clearing the entrance exam from State A in the year 2007?
(1) 186820 

(2) .11682
(3) 1868200 

(4) 1.16820
(5) None of these

54.What is the total numberof candidates clearing the entrance exam from States E and F together in the year 2006 ?
(1) 16160 

(2) 110660
(3) 1.1066 

(4) 1106600
(5) None of these

55.What is the average number of candidates appearing for the entrance exam from State D in the years 2007, 2008 and 2009 together ?

Direction: Study the given information carefully and answer the questions that follow
An urn contains 6 red, 4 blue, 2 green and 3 yellow marbles.
56. If four marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that at least one is blue ?
(5) None of these

57. If two marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that both are red ?
(5) None of these

58. If three marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that two are blue and one is yellow?
(5) None of these

59. If four marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that one is green, two are blue and one is red ?
(5) None of these

60. If two marbles are picked at random, what is the probability that either both are green or both are yellow ?
(5) None of these

Direction: Study the given pie-charts carefully to answer the questions that follow

Breakup of number of employees working in different departments of an organisation, the, number of males and the number of employees who recently got promoted in each department break-up of employees
working in different departments total number of employees = 3,600 Employees working in different departments:

Break-up of number of males in each department
Total number of males in the organisation
= 2,040
Break-up of number of males working in each department

 Break-up of number of employees who recently got promoted in each department Total number of employees who got promoted = 1,200
Number of employees who recently got promoted from each department

61. If half of the number of employees who got promoted from the IT department were males,what was the approximate percentage of males who got promoted from the IT department ?
(1) 61 

(2) 29 
(3) 54
(4) 42 

(5) 38

62. What is the total number of females working in the Production and Marketing departments together ?
(1) 468 

(2) 812 
(3) 582
(4) 972 

(5) None of these

63. How many females work in the Accounts department ?
(1) 618 

(2) 592 
(3) 566
(4) 624 

(5) None of these

64. The total number of employees who got promoted from all the departments together was what percent of the total number of employees working in all the departments together ?
(Rounded off to the nearest integer)

(1) 56 

(2) 21 
(3) 45
(4) 33 

(5) 51

65. The number of employees who got promoted from the HR department was what percent of the total number of employees working in that department ? (rounded off to two digits after

(1) 36.18 

(2) 30.56 
(3) 47.22
(4) 28.16 

(5) None of these

Direction: Study the graph carefully to answer the questions that follow

 Percent rise in profit of two companies over the years

66. If the profit earned by Company L in the year 2005 was Rs. 1.84 lakhs, what was the profit earned by the company in the year 2006 ?
(1) Rs. 2.12 lakhs 

(2) Rs. 2.3 lakhs
(3) Rs. 2.04 lakhs
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

67. If the profit earned by Company M in the year 2008 was Rs. 3.63 lakhs, what was he amount of profit earned by it in the year 2006 ?
(1) Rs. 2.16 lakhs

 (2) Rs.1.98 lakhs
(3) Rs. 2.42 lakhs
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

68.What is the average percent rise in profit of Company L over all the years together ?

69.Which of the following statements is TRUE with respect to the above graph ?
(1) Company M made the highest profit in the year 2009
(2) Company L made least profit in the year 2005
(3) The respective ratio between the profits earned by Company L and M In the year 2006 was 6:5
(4) Company L made the highest profit in the year 2008
(5) All are true

70.What is the percentage increase in percent rise in profit of Company M in the year 2009 from the previour year ?
(1) 25 

(2) 15 
(3) 50
(4) 75 

(5) None of these

Direction: Study th a information carefully to answer the questions that follow.

A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7:5 respectively. All the students are enrolled in different types of hobby classes, viz: Singing, Dancing and Painting. One-fifth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes. Twenty percent of the girls are enrolled in only Painting classes. Ten percent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes. Twenty four percent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together. The number of girls enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred percent of the boys enrolled in the same. One-thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together. The respective ratio of boys enrolled in Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 :1 respectively. Ten percent of the girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight percent of the girls are enrolled in both Dancing and Painting classes together. The remaining girls are enrolled in all the three classes together. The number of boys enrolled in Singing and Dancing classes together is fifty percent of the number of girls enrolled in the same. The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting

71.What is the total number of boys who are enrolled in Dancing ?
(1) 318 

(2) 364
(3) 292 

(4) 434
(5) None of these

72. Total number of girls enrolled in Singing is approximately what percent of the total number of students in the school ?
(1) 37

 (2) 19
(3) 32 

(4) 14
(5) 26

73.What is the total number of students enrolled in all the three classes together ?
(1) 135 

(2) 164
(3) 187 

(4) 142
(5) None of these

74. Number of girls enrolled in only Dancing classes is what percent of the boys enrolled in the same?
(rounded off to two digits after decimal)

(1) 38.67 

(2) 35.71
(3) 41.83 

(4) 28.62
(5) None of these

75.What is the respective ratio of the number of girls enrolled in only Painting classes to the number of boys enrolled in the same ?
(1) 77 : 26 

(2) 21 : 73
(3) 26 : 77 

(4) 73 : 21
(5) None of these

Direction: Study the table carefully to answer the questions that follow.

76.What is the respective ratio between the profit earned by shopkeeper U in the months February-2010 and March - 2010 together to that earned by shopkeeper Q in the same months ?
(1) 637: 512 

(2) 621 : 508
(3) 512: 637 

(4) 508: 621
(5) None of these

77.What is the percent increase in profit of shopkeeper S in the month of December - 2009 over the previous month ? (rounded off to two digits after decimal)
(1) 3.15 

(2) 2.67
(3) 2.18

 (4) 3.33
(5) None of these

78.Which shopkeeper’s profit kept increasing continuously over the given months ?
(1) R 

(2) Q 
(3) T
(4) U (5) None of these

79.What is the difference in profit earned by shopkeeper T in January - 2010 from the previous month ?
(1) Rs. 640/- 

(2) Rs. 420/-
(3) Rs. 380/- 

(4) Rs. 760/-
(5) None of these 

80.What was the average profit earned by shopkeeper R in the months of October – 2009 and November – 2009 together ?
(1) 5405 

(2) 5040 
(3) 4825
(4) 4950 

(5) None of these

Direction: Study the given graph carefully to answer the questions that follow:

Number of days taken by three carpenters to finish making one piece each of four different items of furniture

81. If Carpenter X and Carpenter Y were to make a chair together how many days would they take?
(1) 1 day 

(2) 4 days 
(3) 3 days
(4) 2 days 

(5) None of these

82. If Carpenters X, Y and Z were to make a table together how many days would they take ?
(1) 4 days 

(2) 3 days 
(3) 1 day
(4) 2 days 

(5) None of these

83.What is the total number of days that Carpenter Z will take to make one piece each of all the four items together ?

84. The radius of a circular field is equal to the side of a square field whose perimeter is 784 feet.
What is the area of the circular field ?

(1) 107914 Sq.ft

(2) 120736 Sq.ft.
(3) 107362 Sq.ft.

(4) 127306 Sq.ft.
(5) None of these

85. In how many different ways can the letters of the word ‘STRESS’ be arranged
(1) 360 

(2) 240
(3) 720
(4) 120
(5) None of these

Direction: Study the given table carefully to answer the questions that follow:

 Number of people staying in five different localities and the percentage breakup of men, women and children in them

86. Total number of people staying in locality J forms approximately what percent of the total number of people staying in locality F ?
(1) 81 

(2) 72 
(3) 78
(4) 93

 (5) 87

87.What is the total number of children staying in localities H and I together ?
(1) 1287 

(2) 1278 
(3) 1827
(4) 1728 

(5) None of these

88. The number of women staying in which locality is the highest ?
(1) H 

(2) J 
(3) F
(4) G 

(5) None of these

89.What is the total number of men and children staying in locality I together
(1) 4115 

(2) 4551 
(3) 4515
(4) 4155 

(5) None of these

90.What is the respective ratio of number of men staying in locality F to the number of men staying in locality H ?
(1) 517: 416 

(2) 403: 522
(3) 416: 517 

(4) 522: 403
(5) None of these

91. The compound interest earned by Suresh on a certain amount at the end of two years at the rate of 8 p.c.p.a was Rs. 1,414.4. What was the totalamount that Suresh got back at the end of two years in the form of principal plus interest earned?
(1) Rs. 9,414.4 

(2) Rs. 9,914.4
(3) Rs. 9,014.4 

(4) Rs. 8,914.4
(5) None of these

92. The respective ratio of the present ages of a mother and daughter is 7 : 1. Four years ago the respective ratio of their ages was 19:1. What will be the mother’s age four years from now ?
(1) 42 years 

(2) 38 years
(3) 46 years 

(4) 36 years
(5) None of these

93. Three friends J, K and Ljog around a circular stadium and complete one round in 12, 18 and 20 seconds respectively. In how many minutes will all the three meet again at the starting point
(1) 5 

(2) 8
(3) 12
(4) 3 

(5) None of these

94. 4 men can complete a piece of work in 2 days. 4 women can complete the same piece of work in 4 days whereas 5 children can complete the same piece of work in 4 days. If, 2 men, 4 women anW 10 children work together, in how many days can the work be completed ?
(1) 1 day 

(2) 3 days 
(3) 2 days
(4) 4 days 

(5) None of these

95. The speed of a boat when travelling downstream is 32 Kms. / Hr. , whereas when travelling upstream it is 28 kms/hr. What is the speed of the boat in still water ?
(1) 27 Kms./Hr. 

(2) 29 Kms./ Hr.
(3) 31 Kms./ Hr.
(4) Cannot be determined
(5) None of these

Direction: Study the following tables carefully and answer the questions given below

 Number of Candidates appeared in aCompetitiveExamination from five centres over
the years NUMBER

 96. In which of the following years was the difference in number of candidates appeared
from Mumbai over the previous year the minimum ?

(1) 2004 

(2) 2006 
(3) 2007
(4) 2002 

(5) None of these

97. In which of the following years was the number of candidates qualified from Chennai, the maximum among the given years ?
(1) 2007 

(2) 2006 
(3) 2005
(4) 2003 

(5) None of these

98. Approximately what was the total number of candidates qualified from Delhi in 2002 and
2006 together ?

(1) 27250 

(2) 25230 
(3) 30150
(4) 28150 

(5) 26250

99. Approximately how many candidates appearing from Kolkata in 2004 qualified in the competitive examination ?
(1) 13230 

(2) 13540 
(3) 15130
(4) 15400 

(5) 19240

100.Approximately what was the difference between the number of candidates qualified from Hyderabad in 2001 and 2002 ?
(1) 1680 

(2) 2440 
(3) 1450
(4) 2060 

(5) 1860


51. (1)    52. (3)    53. (5)    54. (2)    55. (4)    56. (2)    57. (5)    58. (3)    59. (1)    60. (5)
61. (5)    62. (3)    63. (1)    64. (4)    65. (2)    66. (2)    67. (3)    68. (5)    69. (1)    70. (4)
71. (4)    72. (5)    73. (1)    74. (1)    75. (3)    76. (2)    77. (4)    78. (5)    79. (3)    80. (1)
81. (5)    82. (3)    83. (1)    84. (2)    85. (5)    86. (5)    87. (2)    88. (4)    89. (3)    90. (1)
91. (2)    92. (3)    93. (4)    94. (1)    95. (5)    96. (5)    97. (1)    98. (1)    99. (2)    100. (5)

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